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Always keeping college in front of us we attended the ACCESSING SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID FOR COLLEGE workshop conducted at the Jackie Robinson YMCA – Multipurpose Room.

There we learned:

  • How to apply for scholarships & financial aid for college
  • Information on A-G requirements for college
  • How to fill out your college application
  • Individual help on your 2015-16 FAFSA or CA Dream App

We also learned a few of the benefits of college such as:IMG_20150110_090003

As you take on college work and participate in college life, you’ll encounter new ideas and challenges. Along the way, you learn:

  • Build knowledge, skills and brainpower
  • Discover new passions
  • Follow and satisfy your curiosity
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Bond with new friends
  • Prepare for a future in which you’re better equipped to give back

Whatever your destination, college can help you get there — even if you don’t know where “there” is yet. Whether you’ve mapped out a long-term plan or you see new possibilities every day, college can help you become your future self.

Sharing is caring!