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Through the newly established partnership between Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the Omicron Iota Sigma Chapter along with the Blue Heart Foundation and Outdoor Outreach had the opportunity to spend the morning helping restore native habitats at the San Diego National Bay Refuge.

IMG_20150502_083605Leading African-American fraternity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Sigma) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) have joined forces to conserve America’s wildlife in a new way.  The two organizations signed an historic memorandum of understanding establishing a partnership that will provide new opportunities for urban youth to experience the natural world and promote interest in conservation and the biological sciences.

The initiative commemorates American scientist, botanist, and inventor, George Washington Carver – a Sigma member who has inspired generations of youth to pursue careers in science. Cecil Shelton (Omicron Iota Sigma Chapter, Director of Social Action) would say “Today was not only about being able to give back to the community, it is about inspiring these young men, who not only get to experience the essence of hard work , but learn the importance of environmental preservation for all mankind.”

IMG_8896“Many Americans find it difficult to experience nature in an increasingly urban America. This has profound implications for the health and well-being of our citizens and the future of our nation,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “Sigma – with its rich history of community leadership and deep connection to the legacy of Dr. Carver – is the ideal partner for the Service as we work to create meaningful connections between young people and the great outdoors.”

IMG_8950Working as a collaborate team each organization laid mulch to prevent weeds, removed invasive species and watered native plants. Native vegetation at the Jonathan Sellers and Charlie Keever Outdoor Educational Activity Center was planted by school children from Imperial Beach. “The partnership with Phi Beta Sigma and Outdoor Outreach allows us to provide opportunities for these young African American men to learn about protected lands in San Diego and to enjoy the natural beauty surrounding them.” – Chantel Jimenez US Fish and Wildlife Service

IMG_20160402_140736It was an honor to restore and beautify the Memorial that honors the lives of two friends whose lives were taken to soon. Jonathan Sellers- and Charlie Keever will be remembered forever and remind us that a child’s life is precious.  Joe McLeod COO of Outdoor Outreach would later say “The Blue Heart Foundation youth and Phi Beta Sigma Brothers embraced our motto of Play, Learn, Serve and Share today. Together we had a great day of service learning at the USFWS South Bay Wildlife Refuge. Thank you everyone for your strong character, determination and positives attitudes!!”

The group then made their way to Coronado Tidelands Park where we had lunch; afterwards everyone took to the opportunity to hit the water Paddle boarding on the Bay.  Isaiah Coleman from Blue Heart would say “It was deeply satisfying to help with work on the beautification project. Seeing the bright colored Navanacs along the shore was alarming, but new.”



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