A Day at The San Diego Fair

10462636_675611755841412_8976726359737737504_nOne mission on The Blue Heart Foundation is to ensure that underserved children and families have the opportunity to take in the sights and sounds of the San Diego Fair. Children from our partner organizations are able to partake in all the sights, sounds and FOOD that the San Diego Fair has to offer.

10478939_751234281586911_3633513842212185771_nWe believe that we should use opportunities like this to strengthen our bonds as a community, helping to add to work/life balance. For as we grow we must also bond creating a more cohesive unit. Events like this throughout the year to enrich the community experience as well as invite family and friends to get to interact with the our organizations as well as each other.

This year we had the opportunity to include the Pat On The Back Foundation, Children of Sickle Cell – San Diego, New Alternatives group home, Christian Worship Center Youth 10520095_678032882265966_3912382271333632990_nand families from the National Pan Hellenic Council of San Diego. With multiple organizations joining us as well as youth from the H.E.A.R.T. mentoring program we had an exciting day where fun was had by all. Many of these children had never been to the fair with one exclaiming “Wow… this is so exciting, I can’t believe we’re here!” Please be sure to support us as we work to change children’s lives across San Diego. Be sure to assist as we work to bring children’s dreams to reality by donating and supporting our work. You may donate here via PayPal 


23rd Annual Pyramid Awards

Urban League Community Service 014On June 14th, 2014 – The Urban League of San Diego County celebrated its 23rd Annual Golden Pyramid Scholars Program on Saturday, June 14th, 2014.  The event took place at San Diego Concourse, Golden Hall.  The program was designed to identify, recruit, nurture and support students who are striving to achieve academic and economic excellence.  The communities’ goal is to ensure that its future parents, politicians, scientists, carpenters, doctors, and professors are identified early and supported continuously in their quest to achieve excellence.

977660_10151735733176804_686334450_o In partnership with several community based organizations, more than $215,000 in scholarships were presented to Golden Pyramid Scholars who represent African American and other underrepresented populations.  The scholarship partners included College Bound; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Omicron Iota Sigma Chapter; The Pat on the Back Foundation, San Diego State University; San Ysidro Health Center; and Rudolph Johnson Scholarship Fund, Neighborhood House Association & Urban League of San Diego County. Additional thanks goes to our military personnel who volunteered their time to help with logistics and crowd management.

The Golden Pyramid Academic Scholars Awards program provided participating organizations and businesses an opportunity to connect with more than 1,300 high-achieving underrepresented youth and their families.  This year’s program attracted more than 2,529 people.  Participants were encouraged to enroll in one of our year-round youth programs such as Project Ready (College Readiness Programs for males and females 11-17).  The Golden Pyramid Scholars Program features encouraging messages which promote academic achievement, civic responsibility and professional success. The programs emphasis on academic achievement and career success attracts aspiring, influential teens and young adults, ages 8-18 along with loyal parents/grandparents/guardians of all ages. These consumers bring a mindset perfect for marketing certain consumer brands, career opportunities and social campaigns that appeal to this trend-setting demographic.

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Smoke Detector Installation – Volunteerism

Smoke Detector Community Service 003Volunteers spent Saturday morning installing smoke detectors for senior citizens. Did you know that having a working smoke detector in your home cuts your risk of dying in a house fire by 50-percent? If you do not have a working smoke detector, are 55 years or older and own your own home, you qualify for a FREE smoke detector through the Burn Institute’s Senior Smoke Detector Program. For more information about this FREE program for seniors call (858) 541-2277 or visit the Burn Institute at www.burninstitute.org

Smoke Detector Community Service 005We believe Volunteers are critical partners of and participants in societies throughout the world. Whether actively giving their time through a formal or ad hoc organizations, or taking part in what is sometimes called “informal volunteering” where citizens voluntarily participate in community activities or provide personal care for family, friends, neighbors, or even strangers as part of accepted cultural norms of giving and reciprocity. By doing this we become an ACTIVE part of change in our communities and in turn reinforce change within ourselves.