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10689991_749026598499927_4862923921394622273_nHEART doing our monthly community service and helping less fortunate families at the Season of Love -Block Party

Thousands of people turned out for the community block party hosted by New Seasons Church in Spring Valley Saturday.

The church partnered with “Feeding America San Diego”, Boar’s Head, Walmart, and Ralph’s to feed thousands of people during the “Seasons of Love” Thanksgiving event.

Those who attended the block party got to take home a free Thanksgiving meal, along with clothes, shoes, and baby gear.

10454295_749026328499954_4329498247131381466_n“The church is suppose to help those in need. We want to be the example of the church giving back to the community. We shouldn’t always take from the community, we should give back to the community,” Dr. A.B. Vines, senior pastor of the New Seasons Church said.

Always looking for opportunities to serve our community our young men believe that giving back is the root of  success and makes you understand just how lucky you are.

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