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This past weekend on the campus of San Diego State University’s Calpulli Center marking the launch of The Blue Heart Foundations H.E.A.R.T. Workshops (Higher Education And Rising Together). The H.E.A.R.T. mentoring workshops focus on assisting young men in high school understand what it takes to matriculate to a four year university but what it takes to succeed once there. Each workshop will vary but at the same time rooted in driving and empowering members towards goals of higher achievement.
Our workshops include but are not limited to 1) “Checking in” and addressing any issues or roadblocks these young men may be running into as well as celebrating any accomplishments achieved. 2)
Education – Periodically there is SAT/ACT prep as well as workshops on how to avoid “Test Anxiety presented by CalSOAP 3) Professional Development – This is when guest speakers come and present on behalf of their organizations as well as speak on what is required to succeed in their respective fields. 4) Personal Develop ranges from preparing the members of H.E.A.R.T. for the challenges that lay with pursuing a higher education as well as the “soft skills” every young man should have in his tool belt.
Our first workshop covered our academic expectations, conversations and careers with the San Diego Police Department and San Diego Fire Department along with an introduction to SDSU’s Student African American Brotherhood (SAAB). We also had the opportunity to present $1000 grant to two incoming SDSU freshmen Rabi Ahmed and Andre Wortham. Our grant awards specifically target young men in the San Diego community that plan to focus on STEM based majors. We want to thank Dr. Aaron Bruce San Diego State University’s Chief of Diversity Affairs for assisting in the presentation of these awards. We also want to recognize Dr. Bruce’s efforts for finding a fitting venue to enrich the live s of the young men that will one day attend college and in hopes many will be Aztecs.

Pictured with Dr Aaron Bruce are incoming freshmen Rabi Ahmed and Andre Wortham both of whom recieved financial grants
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