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On the campus of San Diego State University, Saturday July 18th it was a busy day for The Blue Heart Foundation. A day that will continue to develop the minds IMG_20150718_081509and determination  of  the young men of HEART (H.E.A.R.T) as they begin to prepare for the 2015-2016 school year. Focusing on their personal and professional future today was an important piece in learning to market them  both visually and on paper. Jacques Morgan (HEART Member) would go on to say “Saturday’s event was a great experience, it really opened my eyes into possibilities and opportunities in the world. All the presentations were great and made me want to achieve more.”

The day started with a professional magazine photoshoot with the team of RLM – Real Legit Magazine and Valerie Johnson (The Multi MediaDiva). A two time “Hollywood Award Winning” Magazine, Real Legit Magazine was co-founded by Ron Morales and Latricia R. Price showcasing unique high fashion styles with Celebrities nationally as well as internationally on the red carpet beautifully captured the essence of our young men. 

After what was an exciting photoshoot our guys will never forget, it was time to take care of business with our education empowerment workshops. These Interactive college prep workshops presented by Shana Collins and Anthony Haile Jr. from San IMG_20150718_111623Diego’s HBCU network and Cal SOAP included:

– The Morehouse College Experience

– Value of Education

Shana Collins of San Diego’s HBCU Alumni Network stated “Thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of this program, the young men from the Blue Heart Foundation are both sharp and talented gentlemen.

Followed by a Meet and Greet and lunch with Yousef Abraham Assistant Coordinator of San Diego State University’s Center for Intercultural Relations

The day’s events closed with a workshop on preparing your personal statement when applying for college admission presented by Karla Whitaker from CalSOAP.  This workshop is critical to defining how young men perceive themselves as well as learn the ability to market themselves as an assert to universities in which they apply. Dallas Edge would later say “The college entry essay workshop provided me with information that I was not previously informed on, and I am glad to have attended it.” 

We firmly believe in work/life balance and it is important to feed and build up all aspects of a young man. This includes Character, Service as well as Educational Empowerment. With these things in mind the belief is that each young man can be taught the value of education as well as the value of self-worth and esteem.


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