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May 26th, 2016 – Invited by Prince Habib our young men had the opportunity to volunteer and view Hidden Colors 4. Hidden Colors is a documentary series about the cultural history of African Americans, identity and race in America — recently released the trailer for it’s third installment, “The Rules Of Racism.” And it looks good. The project features various speakers from scholars to entertainment vets like Nas, KRS-ONE, and Paul Mooney who begs the question: “whites have always done whatever they wanted to black people, so what are the rules?”

IMG_20160526_235340The series’ director and producer Tariq “Elite” Nasheed — a New York Times bestselling author, public speaker, and radio host — is widely known for his social commentary. In the trailer he briefly alludes to a certain motivation in approaching the topic of racism, “there’s never been a real dialogue in America about race because every time we talk about race the conversation then turns into ‘what’s wrong with black people.’: 

Traveling around the country, the film features scholars, historians, and social commentators who uncovered such amazing facts about things such as: The original image of Christ; The true story about the Moors; The original people of Asia; The great west African empires; The presence of Africans in America before Columbus; The real reason slavery was ended And much more. 

IMG_20160526_191029What is exceptional about this series is that there are solution based  conversations at the end of each film. While the series is meant to help one understand how we got here as well as understand the psychosis of systematic oppression. We are responsible for turning things around, we are living in a hostile society and environment and must stop believing that the oppressor will ever understand the dilemma of people of color. Thus, we must stand together and unite as opposed to look to curry favor from the supremacist.  

Each film has had a prevailing theme with first one we really focused on history, history that is untold. We talked about the Moors in Spain and in Europe. We talked about the African presence in America before Columbus. So we focused on a lot of hidden history.

IMG_20160527_003412In the second “Hidden Colors” was focused on scientific racism. We talked about things like Henrietta Lacks, a woman whose stem cells were used for medical experiments. We talked about medical warfare, talked about the prison-industrial complex. And talked about racism from a political-scientific standpoint. For part three, it talked a lot about racism in America and the rules of racism, things that black people are told to do in order to fit in with dominant society and how each rule contradicts the next. 

Hidden Colors 4: The Religion Of White Supremacy is the latest follow up film to the critically acclaimed hit documentary series Hidden Colors. In this installment of the Hidden Colors series, the film explores topics such as: The motivation behind European global subjugation The history of rarely discussed vast West African empires How germ warfare is used on melanated people The history of slave breeding farms in America and much more.



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