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Sunday October 30th, 2016 – We participated in a the 2nd Annual Hip Hop 5K a 3.1 mile walk/run through Southeast San Diego. Along with hundreds of local residents as well as visitors. All sorts of people  participated fb_img_1477923062881with us as we ran/walked together through our neighborhoods in a show of solidarity, health and innovative thought. We want to create a spark of creativity and forward thinking in the community.
fb_img_1477923067247The overall goal of this 5k is to create a surge of positive energy and forward thinking in the residents of southeastern San Diego. We intend to accomplish this by demonstrating the wonders of physical activity, creativity and imagination with a combination of ART, FITNESS, CULTURE and COMMUNITY. Through this event we hope to rejuvenate the spirit of the people.   

The entire vision for this project  was carried out through the hard work of Dawud Hassan an extraordinary man who continuously works to better the local community… We look forward to running and volunteering again next year.


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