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The outdoors is both an exciting and joy-filled way to provide young men a way to both think and live outside the box. This summer for the fourth year in a row The Blue Heart Foundation partnered with Outdoor Outreach engaging in opportunities ranging from surfing and kayaking as well ensuring showed love for our planet by providing environmental stewardship at every opportunity. 

The beauty in watching how these events positively impact our young men is a sight to behold. Darius was deathly afraid of water, as you watch his video testimony you will see with encouragement and trust he he took a chance… As a result the entire experience was life changing. 

In addition we headed to where  the sand and surf awaited, its amazing how each young man were so excited that they wanted to attack the water… but first comes the safety and surf lesson and once complete each took to the water as if it was a natural experience. The power of the outdoors is indescribable. The life skills, larger perspective and appreciation of our natural surroundings cannot be replicated anywhere else.

Finally and probably the most important contributions we get to make is the care and restoration of mother earth. There is perhaps no better feeling than to know ones actions are bettering the world for years to come. Whether it’s planting trees, picking up litter or relocating invasive plant life the we are honored to do our part to make the world a better place.

These experiences not only provide new perspectives and learning but deep memories and irreplaceable bonds which have lifelong affects. For many children, it is a strong reality that they will not have these formative outdoor experiences, because they do not have the opportunities provided for them.

Which is an important reason why The Blue Heart Foundation partners with Outdoor Outreach to fulfill their mission by engaging teens with outdoor adventures to instill positive memories and bonds with nature and mentors. As both organizations work to inspire all youth to see possibility and opportunity in their lives, we realize that through these positive types of events you began to see attitude and behavioral changes which help them become successful adults.


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