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Thursday, Aug. 21st we joined The San Diego Padres Volunteer Team in sorting and bagging over 8000 lbs of nectarines at the San Diego Food Bank to help fight against hunger.  Presented by Toyota the Padres Volunteer Team is a county-wide volunteer force created to give back to the greater San Diego area. It calls up Padres fans to join with our players, alumni and staff to donate their time to San Diego’s nonprofits, civic organizations, and Padres Foundation activities.

IMG_20150820_182109Our joint mission is to build awareness of and inspire participation in serving the greater San Diego community. Our vision is to inspire volunteer service that benefits the greater San Diego community.  As Peyerre Hart would later state ” It was fun hanging out with the guys and helping people at the same time.” 

The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County. Last year, the Food Bank distributed 22.3 million pounds of food, and the Food Bank served, on average, 370,000 people per month in San Diego County.

The Food Bank receives food from the USDA, food manufacturers, food retailers, the agricultural sector, food drives, and through financial contributions that enable us to purchase protein-rich foods, fresh produce, and dry staple foods such as beans, oatmeal, and rice. The also benefit from the generosity of more than 28,000 volunteers annually that help to sort and distribute donated and purchased food products and on this day we were proud to join them. Jamil Duke shared “It was good to help people, I’m glad the fruit is being distributed to people that can’t afford food.”


Sharing is caring!