by April | nonprofit business

The Blue Heart Foundation is now a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt organization. This distinction will allow us to further assist under-served youth in attaining their goals as they pursue the dream of attending and graduating from a four year university. Partner with us as we work to make these young men’s dreams become a reality by donating via paypal or send a check payable to:
The Blue Heart Foundation – 10824 Scripps Ranch Blvd. #308 – San Diego, CA 92131
Download our 501(c)3 Tax Exempt letter here The Blue Heart Foundation 501(c)3

by April | Education, Uncategorized
Today we had a visit from Wendy Alem’an has asked to present a special program called SWAG (Student with Academic Goals). Students interested in pursuing college will have access to SAT preparation and an opportunity to learn more about college during this two week summer program.
SWAG: Students With Academic Goals. SAT Prep Academy, Weekdays June 16-July 2. SWAG provides a FREE, intensive SAT test preparation
program for San Diego area 9th and 10th grade students (going in to 10th and 11th grade over the summer.) Accepted students must attend every weekday June 16-July 2, plus have opportunities for field trips to UC San Diego, San Diego State University and Pt. Loma Nazarene University. Lunch will be provided daily. Daily attendance is MANDATORY! The application forms for SWAG 1 (for new students) are posted below and will be due April 10. Acceptance is not guaranteed; we have limited spots. Applicants will be notified after April 10 regarding whether or not they are accepted. The essay prompt is at the bottom left of the application page. SWAG 2 applications (for returning students) must be requested directly from Karla Whitaker.
She will be reviewing applications on this opportunity, SWAG is available at free of charge for low-income students. The program is co-sponsored with UCSD, Cal-Soap, and San Diego State University.
We also had a full SAT Prep Test administered by Karla Whitaker from CAL Soap. Cal-SOAP test preparation programs provide students with test-taking strategies and encourage students to take all their college entrance exams in a timely manner.
SAT/ACT Preparation Workshops for juniors are offered in the spring and emphasize test-taking strategies. Workshops are also offered in Sweetwater and San Diego Unified Districts; check the with Karla for specific events.
Contact Karla Whitaker at or 858-569-1866 ext. 216 for more information.

by April | Education, Uncategorized
Always keeping college in front of us we attended the ACCESSING SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID FOR COLLEGE workshop conducted at the Jackie Robinson YMCA – Multipurpose Room.
There we learned:
- How to apply for scholarships & financial aid for college
- Information on A-G requirements for college
- How to fill out your college application
- Individual help on your 2015-16 FAFSA or CA Dream App
We also learned a few of the benefits of college such as:
As you take on college work and participate in college life, you’ll encounter new ideas and challenges. Along the way, you learn:
- Build knowledge, skills and brainpower
- Discover new passions
- Follow and satisfy your curiosity
- Learn more about yourself
- Bond with new friends
- Prepare for a future in which you’re better equipped to give back
Whatever your destination, college can help you get there — even if you don’t know where “there” is yet. Whether you’ve mapped out a long-term plan or you see new possibilities every day, college can help you become your future self.
by April | Volunteerism
One of our staples is ensuring we give back to our community in the form of service. During this Christmas season we assisted at the Holiday with Hope Celebration. Each year the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA hosts a holiday celebration on the Saturday before Christmas. This years festival took place Saturday, December 20, 2014 from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
To provide a fun day for families with children during the Christmas holiday season. Each year gifts are presented to thousands children thanks to the generous donations of individuals and businesses.
This year’s event featured
- Arts and Crafts
- Picture with Santa
- One gift per child that is present*
- Music
- Entertainment
- Much more!
We are thankful for the opportunity that the YMCA gave us to assist families this holiday season
by April | Community
Our Annual Christmas Awards breakfast took place Saturday Dec. 6th, 2014 at the Mission Valley Sheraton with the goal to celebrate this holiday season by honoring those that serve our community and bringing educational awareness to San Diego’s foster and underprivileged youth during a festive Christmas celebration.
For the past eight years it has been our opportunity to give and receive the gift of service. We invite youth and families of San Diego to partake in a morning of joy, gift giving and celebration. This year we have grown larger than ever inviting nearly 100 children and providing them with gift certificates and age appropriate gifts during this celebratory breakfast. These children and teenagers come from a variety of programs which include San Diego Adoptions, VIP Mentors, “Just in Time for Foster Youth” along with
children from local foster and area group homes
This year’s Keynote Speaker was Devin Hughes.(The Chief Inspiration Officer) with Community Activist of the Year Awards going to Tinesia Conwright (DETOUR Empowers), Adam Rajah Gainey (Promises 2 Kids), Dion Sayles McKinney (Community Activist) and Leonard Thompson MANDATE records) all of which have directly impacted young people’s lives on a regular basis.
We also honored educational administrators Dr. Aaron Bruce and Marne Foster both of which have greatly impacted our student’s lives at both grade school and collegiate levels. Finally, sticking with our theme of education we will honored our shining star Andreia Dooley (Garrett) and Natasha Dunham as our inspirational collegiate for overcoming monumental obstacles to graduate from college along with awards for children from both the Heartbeat Music Academy and the H.E.A.R.T (Higher Education And Rising Together) mentoring program.
This was a wonderful Christmas event benefiting San Diego’s Foster and underserved youth and encouraging them to attend and complete college