Volunteering at the Jackie Robinson YMCA’s “Christmas with Character”

Volunteering at the Jackie Robinson YMCA’s “Christmas with Character”

One of our staples is ensuring we give back to our community in the form of service. During this Christmas season we assisted at the Holiday with Hope Celebration. Each year the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA hosts a holiday celebration on the Saturday before Christmas. This years festival took place Saturday, December 20, 2014 from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.10675560_765755796827007_7801424266826032970_n


To provide a fun day for families with children during the Christmas holiday season. Each year gifts are presented to thousands children thanks to the generous donations of individuals and businesses.

This year’s event featured

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Picture with Santa
  • One gift per child that is present*
  • Music
  • Entertainment
  • Much more!

We are thankful for the opportunity that the YMCA gave us to assist families this holiday season

Annual Christmas Awards Breakfast

Annual Christmas Awards Breakfast

Our Annual Christmas Awards breakfast took place Saturday Dec. 6th, 2014 at the Mission Valley Sheraton with the goal to celebrate this holiday season by honoring those that serve our community and bringing educational awareness to San Diego’s foster and underprivileged youth during a festive Christmas celebration.

10850139_758252920910628_4798431949753804484_nFor the past eight years it has been our opportunity to give and receive the gift of service. We invite youth and families of San Diego to partake in a morning of joy, gift giving and celebration. This year we have grown larger than ever inviting nearly 100 children and providing them with gift certificates and age appropriate gifts during this celebratory breakfast. These children and teenagers come from a variety of programs which include San Diego Adoptions, VIP Mentors, “Just in Time for Foster Youth” along with 10392304_759008604168393_3202601101045997644_nchildren from local foster and area group homes

This year’s Keynote Speaker was Devin Hughes.(The Chief Inspiration Officer) with Community Activist of the Year Awards going to Tinesia Conwright (DETOUR Empowers), Adam Rajah Gainey (Promises 2 Kids), Dion Sayles McKinney (Community Activist) and Leonard Thompson MANDATE records) all of which have directly impacted young people’s lives on a regular basis.

We also honored educational administrators Dr. Aaron Bruce and Marne Foster both of which have greatly impacted our student’s lives at both grade school and collegiate levels. Finally, sticking with our theme of education we will honored our shining star Andreia Dooley (Garrett) and Natasha Dunham as our inspirational collegiate for overcoming monumental obstacles to graduate from college along with awards for children from both the Heartbeat Music Academy and the H.E.A.R.T (Higher Education And Rising Together) mentoring program.

This was a wonderful Christmas event benefiting San Diego’s Foster and underserved youth and encouraging them to attend and complete college

Feeding Needy Families

10689991_749026598499927_4862923921394622273_nHEART doing our monthly community service and helping less fortunate families at the Season of Love -Block Party

Thousands of people turned out for the community block party hosted by New Seasons Church in Spring Valley Saturday.

The church partnered with “Feeding America San Diego”, Boar’s Head, Walmart, and Ralph’s to feed thousands of people during the “Seasons of Love” Thanksgiving event.

Those who attended the block party got to take home a free Thanksgiving meal, along with clothes, shoes, and baby gear.

10454295_749026328499954_4329498247131381466_n“The church is suppose to help those in need. We want to be the example of the church giving back to the community. We shouldn’t always take from the community, we should give back to the community,” Dr. A.B. Vines, senior pastor of the New Seasons Church said.

Always looking for opportunities to serve our community our young men believe that giving back is the root of  success and makes you understand just how lucky you are.

November’s Workshop SAT Prep & Careers in Technology

IMG_20141108_091509Our November workshop was extra special and included both SAT Prep with Karla Whitaker from Cal-SOAP and  a visit from Dameon Bryant (Software Developer).

Our schedule included the following:
8-9 – Turn in progress reports and round
9-11 – SAT Prep and Practice – Administered by CALSoap facilitator Karla Whitaker
11-12 – Professional Development – Careers in Technology (Dameon Bryant – Speaker)

IMG_20141108_112429Dameon Bryant has been a software developer for 14 years and 100% self taught. Among his accomplishments are the following:

–  Developed navigation system for 2010-2012 General Motors vehicles

–  Developed software to enable rapid movie production for the Avatar sequels

–  Developed software to display fantasy stats on displays in all NFL stadiums

–  Won 2nd place in San Diego Startup Weekend “Tech Innovations for the Fashion Industry”

–  Currently working at Sony Electronics developing iPhone/iPad apps

Karla Whitaker is the Academic Coordinator for the San Diego and Imperial Counties Cal-SOAP Consortium is one of the largest of the sixteen Cal-SOAP consortia throughout the state and provide a variety of resources including:

IMG_20141108_111026Academic Enrichment and College Entrance Test Preparation

Cal- SOAP recognizes that academic success in school will provide more options for students after high school. Academic tutors undergo a comprehensive and training process to work with students in schools. Tutors are responsible for providing intensive, one-on-one academic enrichment session to assist students in their core classes and other academic skills.

Community Resource

Cal- SOAP believes in empowering parents/guardians and the community to understand the college process early. Through dissemination of information about postsecondary education, both community and parents are encouraged to be informed, be involved and to be inspired to assist students. The Community Resource Program include programs such as, College Making It Happen (CMIH) that prepares middle school parents about A-G requirements, academic achievement and college options; provides newsletters with college admission, deadline and financial aid information; and provides parent workshops, where one can learn about and discuss parent/guardian education issues, the college search process and more.  Visit their site to learn more about Cal SOAP.

We were thrilled that both Dameon and Karla took their time out on Saturday to assist HEART in planting seeds of knowledge in these young men’s lives

Attending the UCSD “Dare to Dream College” workshops

IMG_20141101_103005In an event accented by hands-on workshops, class lectures, laboratory visits, campus tours and interaction with UCSD faculty and undergraduates, hundreds of pre-college students and their parents got more than just a savory taste of university life this month  when they attended Dare to Dream College: The African Experience at UCSD.

“As an African American,” said one parent who participated, “I think this event not only challenged young Black students to dare to dream college and to go after that dream, but also challenged parents to get involved, and stay involved, in preparing their children for higher education –starting in early childhood.”

PhotoGrid_1414882420911Indeed, the message of early academic preparation and active parental involvement were important goals when UCSD Student Educational Advancement (a division of Student Affairs) joined with the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) of San Diego and Imperial Counties in sponsoring Dare to Dream CollegeThe event was not only intended to help enhance college-going rates of African Americans in San Diego, but to also provide an opportunity to showcase the academic and career opportunities UCSD has to offer.

And from UCSD, the event enjoyed the participation and support from the Chancellor’s Office, faculty, staff, Student Affairs, the Black Student Union and other undergraduates. “It was truly both a community and university effort,” report Loren Thompson, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Educational Advancement (SEA), and Linda Doughty, Director, Cal-SOAP.

The event immersed 4th through 12th grade students in various interactive activities with faculty, staff  and undergraduates based upon students’ grade levels and academic interest.  These included workshops on why college is important, how to develop “mental toughness ” for college, a debate with the UCSD Black Student Union on overcoming peer pressure.

Meanwhile, parents attended informative and motivational sessions that addressed their particular needs and concerns including workshops on how to be advocates for their children’s education, negotiating college for their children, and a special stage reading and panel discussion on how to speak to children about the importance of college.

Dare to Dream College is an annual event and to follow up with event attendees for inclusion in additional college preparation activities.
