Sharing is caring!

April 29th at 6 AM on a chilly, early Saturday morning as HEART (Higher Education and Rising Together) rose to the challenge and volunteered to walk for babies… After raising money for March of Dimes, HEART also contributed throughout the day. Setting up tents, moving tables, carrying water and any other opportunities where we could lend a helping hand. As HEART Member Dylon Irving stated, “Volunteering benefits the community as it shows you support it and its people”.

IMG_20170429_083922When you walk in March for Babies, you give hope to nearly half a million babies born too soon each year. The money you raise supports programs in your community that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. And it funds research to find answers to the problems that threaten our babies

FB_IMG_1493510618052After cheering on thousands of walkers including Blue Heart parents the entire BH Family continued to the second half of their purposeful day. One where they would take the time to get to know each other as family should, before sitting down to a delicious BBQ meal and after a rousing game of football with the boys… Each took the time to introduce themselves, in a large circle every family came to the center and spoke love and life from child to parent and vice versa. This was truly a community moment.

FB_IMG_1493510624041Tracy Morris (CEO of Blue Heart) would later say “I’m always amazed and inspired when the young men from HEART show up for volunteer service… After all how often do you see high school teens show up for volunteer work at 6 AM. There was not one complaint from over 30 teenage boys from 6 to 2 PM)

“All we have is each other and we have to constantly give back to our community, whether it’s money , time, or expertise.  It’s the only way we will get better.” says HEART member Xavier Tillis … The Blue Heart Foundation is a registered 501(c)3 organization, find out how you can contribute or join us by contacting us via email at theblueheartfoundation@gmail.comIMG_20170429_113652

Sharing is caring!