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On Saturday, June 13th we had the privilege to participate in the The Urban League San Diego County Young Professionals event “Brothas With Ties” The 2nd installment of “Brotha’s with Ties” hosted by the San Diego County Urban League Young Professionals is an engagement meant to teach, motivate and inspire the bright minds of young men in the City of San Diego. Ties will be donated to all participants and will learn how to properly tie a tie (and or bowtie). ULSDC Young Professionals want to extend leadership to provide development and a platform for a successful future. Brothas with Ties will include:

IMG_20160611_100127The “Brothas in Ties” program consisted of:

Interactive Workshops: Activity filled workshops on Social issues & other activities challenging students to think quick on their feet and learn from their peers.

Self Empowerment – By the end of the event, participants will have a better understanding of how to manage and succeed in the real world.

Mentorship – The event is packed with interactions with Young Professionals and Community Leaders alike who have experience in their respective fields. Participants will also have the opportunity learn about past their mentors past experiences or inquire about what to expect becoming a young professional. 

IMG_20160611_111818Mathew Gordon stated “The work doesn’t stop here, lets keep it going because there’s more work to be done!”

‪ULSDC Young Professionals wanted to provide developmental platform for young men ensuring a successful future and also donated 0 matching ties to The Blue Heart Foundation’s Youth program.

Special guest speakers and adult supporters whom really showed they care about our young men kudos! It was amazing to see so many organizations get behind such a worthy cause. Participating organizations included but IMG_20160611_111840are not limited to:

Reality Changers
Urban League
National Society of Black Engineers
Freshly Faded Barbershop
Family Resource Center Inc.

Tiffany Harrison summed the entire event perfectly “This event was clearly not about the clothing, but building and developing the young man under the suit and tie. Look at all that Black Excellence! Shout out to Mathew Arthur Gordon,Patricia Gibson, Jordan Jerome Harrison, Rod Watson, Taryell Simmons,Darielle Blevins, Khea Pollard, Charles Anderson, Neavrae Gibson, Tracy Morris, and everyone else I may have missed that donated their time/snacks/and wisdom to make our 2nd Installment of Brothas w/Ties a success! who turned it all the way UP and ensured that our young men know their value and lineage. Again to everyone who donated ties, time, giveaways, and support…thank you. Thank you for being the change, and not just donating some change.”


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