The Urban League San Diego County Young Professionals presented “Brothas With Ties”

The Urban League San Diego County Young Professionals presented “Brothas With Ties”

On Saturday, June 13th we had the privilege to participate in the The Urban League San Diego County Young Professionals event “Brothas With Ties”

This first installment of Brotha’s with Ties” hosted by the San Diego County Urban League Young Professionals is an engagement meant to teach, motivate and inspire the bright minds of young men in the City of San Diego. Ties were donated to all participants and each learned how to properly tie a tie (and or bow tie).

Mathew Gordon stated “The work doesn’t stop here, lets keep it going because there’s more work to be done… and today was a great start!!” ‪

ULSDC Young Professionals wanted to provide developmental platform for young men ensuring a successful future. The “Brothas in Ties” program consisted of:

IMG_20150613_094500Interactive Workshops – Activity filled workshops on Social issues & other activities challenging students to think quick on their feet and learn from their peers.

Self Empowerment – By the end of the event, participants will have a better understanding of how to manage and succeed in the real world.

Mentorship – The event is packed with interactions with Young Professionals and Community Leaders alike who have experience in their respective fields. Participants will also have the opportunity learn about past their mentors past experiences or inquire about what to expect becoming a young professional.

Special guest speakers and adult supporters whom really showed they care about our young men kudos! It was amazing to see so many organizations get behind such a worthy cause. Participating organizations included but are not limited to:

11427198_10204340200892110_4095849623464450158_nReality Changers
Never Knew a Father’s Love
Urban League
National Society of Black Engineers
San Diego Black Police Officers Association
Phi Beta Sigma-Omicron-Iota Sigma Chapter
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
San Diego Chargers
Freshly Faded Barbershop
NuWay International Christian Ministries
Family Resource Center Inc.

Tiffany Harrison summed the entire event perfectly “This event was clearly not about the clothing, but building and developing the young man under the suit and tie. S/O to Jessica, Ben, Aaron, Lisa, Calvin, and Grady Gordon who turned it all the way UP and ensured that our young men know their value and lineage. Again to everyone who donated ties, time, giveaways, and support…thank you. Thank you for being the change, and not just donating some change.”


ACT Prep Test and Visit from Outdoor Outreach

ACT Prep Test and Visit from Outdoor Outreach

This month’s workshop was highlighted by a visit from members of Outdoor Outreach, Each year Outdoor Outreach collaborates with, and acts as a resource to community-based organizations working with at-risk youth and their families. Outdoor Outreach tailors partnerships for maximum impact, customizing outings and programs to fit the needs of each group. With our partners, we make long-term investments in each participant’s development and growth. In partnership with Outdoor Outreach we have scheduled the following upcoming activities:  kayaking in May, overnight surf camp in August and a weekend in Big Bear January 2016.

IMG_20150502_084453We also had a full SAT Prep Test administered by Karla Whitaker from CAL Soap. Cal-SOAP test preparation programs provide students with test-taking strategies and encourage students to take all their college entrance exams in a timely manner. To qualify for admission to a four-year university, students must take an SAT or ACT. It is recommended they take the test during the spring semester of 11th grade. We are currently preparing for the June 13, 2015 and worked on practice questions from the ACT and learn strategies specific to the ACT English, Math, Reading and Science sections, as well as strategies for the ACT Writing.

CALSoap works under the direction of the California Student Aid Commission, the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) has represented the educational community throughout the state since 1978. The program is operated in partnership with the University of California system, the California State University system, local non-profit agencies and public elementary and secondary school districts. For more information on CAL Soap please contact Karla Whitaker at or 858-569-1866 ext. 216.


SAT Prep test and Visit from San Diego State University EOP coordinator

SAT Prep test and Visit from San Diego State University EOP coordinator

Today we had a visit from Wendy Alem’an has asked to present a special program called SWAG (Student with Academic Goals). Students interested in pursuing college will have access to SAT preparation and an opportunity to learn more about college during this two week summer program.

SWAG: Students With Academic Goals. SAT Prep Academy, Weekdays June 16-July 2. SWAG provides a FREE, intensive SAT test preparation UCSD Campus Tour, Workshop and Student Panel - 4program for San Diego area 9th and 10th grade students (going in to 10th and 11th grade over the summer.) Accepted students must attend every weekday June 16-July 2, plus have opportunities for field trips to UC San Diego, San Diego State University and Pt. Loma Nazarene University. Lunch will be provided daily. Daily attendance is MANDATORY! The application forms for SWAG 1 (for new students) are posted below and will be due April 10. Acceptance is not guaranteed; we have limited spots. Applicants will be notified after April 10 regarding whether or not they are accepted. The essay prompt is at the bottom left of the application page. SWAG 2 applications (for returning students) must be requested directly from Karla Whitaker.

She will be reviewing applications on this opportunity, SWAG is available at free of charge for low-income students. The program is co-sponsored with UCSD, Cal-Soap, and San Diego State University.

We also had a full SAT Prep Test administered by Karla Whitaker from CAL Soap. Cal-SOAP test preparation programs provide students with test-taking strategies and encourage students to take all their college entrance exams in a timely manner.

SAT/ACT Preparation Workshops for juniors are offered in the spring and emphasize test-taking strategies. Workshops are also offered in Sweetwater and San Diego Unified Districts; check the with Karla for specific events.

Contact Karla Whitaker at or 858-569-1866 ext. 216 for more information.


Attending the “Accessing Scholarships and Financial Aid for College Workshop”

Attending the “Accessing Scholarships and Financial Aid for College Workshop”

Always keeping college in front of us we attended the ACCESSING SCHOLARSHIPS AND FINANCIAL AID FOR COLLEGE workshop conducted at the Jackie Robinson YMCA – Multipurpose Room.

There we learned:

  • How to apply for scholarships & financial aid for college
  • Information on A-G requirements for college
  • How to fill out your college application
  • Individual help on your 2015-16 FAFSA or CA Dream App

We also learned a few of the benefits of college such as:IMG_20150110_090003

As you take on college work and participate in college life, you’ll encounter new ideas and challenges. Along the way, you learn:

  • Build knowledge, skills and brainpower
  • Discover new passions
  • Follow and satisfy your curiosity
  • Learn more about yourself
  • Bond with new friends
  • Prepare for a future in which you’re better equipped to give back

Whatever your destination, college can help you get there — even if you don’t know where “there” is yet. Whether you’ve mapped out a long-term plan or you see new possibilities every day, college can help you become your future self.

November’s Workshop SAT Prep & Careers in Technology

IMG_20141108_091509Our November workshop was extra special and included both SAT Prep with Karla Whitaker from Cal-SOAP and  a visit from Dameon Bryant (Software Developer).

Our schedule included the following:
8-9 – Turn in progress reports and round
9-11 – SAT Prep and Practice – Administered by CALSoap facilitator Karla Whitaker
11-12 – Professional Development – Careers in Technology (Dameon Bryant – Speaker)

IMG_20141108_112429Dameon Bryant has been a software developer for 14 years and 100% self taught. Among his accomplishments are the following:

–  Developed navigation system for 2010-2012 General Motors vehicles

–  Developed software to enable rapid movie production for the Avatar sequels

–  Developed software to display fantasy stats on displays in all NFL stadiums

–  Won 2nd place in San Diego Startup Weekend “Tech Innovations for the Fashion Industry”

–  Currently working at Sony Electronics developing iPhone/iPad apps

Karla Whitaker is the Academic Coordinator for the San Diego and Imperial Counties Cal-SOAP Consortium is one of the largest of the sixteen Cal-SOAP consortia throughout the state and provide a variety of resources including:

IMG_20141108_111026Academic Enrichment and College Entrance Test Preparation

Cal- SOAP recognizes that academic success in school will provide more options for students after high school. Academic tutors undergo a comprehensive and training process to work with students in schools. Tutors are responsible for providing intensive, one-on-one academic enrichment session to assist students in their core classes and other academic skills.

Community Resource

Cal- SOAP believes in empowering parents/guardians and the community to understand the college process early. Through dissemination of information about postsecondary education, both community and parents are encouraged to be informed, be involved and to be inspired to assist students. The Community Resource Program include programs such as, College Making It Happen (CMIH) that prepares middle school parents about A-G requirements, academic achievement and college options; provides newsletters with college admission, deadline and financial aid information; and provides parent workshops, where one can learn about and discuss parent/guardian education issues, the college search process and more.  Visit their site to learn more about Cal SOAP.

We were thrilled that both Dameon and Karla took their time out on Saturday to assist HEART in planting seeds of knowledge in these young men’s lives

Attending the UCSD “Dare to Dream College” workshops

IMG_20141101_103005In an event accented by hands-on workshops, class lectures, laboratory visits, campus tours and interaction with UCSD faculty and undergraduates, hundreds of pre-college students and their parents got more than just a savory taste of university life this month  when they attended Dare to Dream College: The African Experience at UCSD.

“As an African American,” said one parent who participated, “I think this event not only challenged young Black students to dare to dream college and to go after that dream, but also challenged parents to get involved, and stay involved, in preparing their children for higher education –starting in early childhood.”

PhotoGrid_1414882420911Indeed, the message of early academic preparation and active parental involvement were important goals when UCSD Student Educational Advancement (a division of Student Affairs) joined with the California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) of San Diego and Imperial Counties in sponsoring Dare to Dream CollegeThe event was not only intended to help enhance college-going rates of African Americans in San Diego, but to also provide an opportunity to showcase the academic and career opportunities UCSD has to offer.

And from UCSD, the event enjoyed the participation and support from the Chancellor’s Office, faculty, staff, Student Affairs, the Black Student Union and other undergraduates. “It was truly both a community and university effort,” report Loren Thompson, Assistant Vice Chancellor, Student Educational Advancement (SEA), and Linda Doughty, Director, Cal-SOAP.

The event immersed 4th through 12th grade students in various interactive activities with faculty, staff  and undergraduates based upon students’ grade levels and academic interest.  These included workshops on why college is important, how to develop “mental toughness ” for college, a debate with the UCSD Black Student Union on overcoming peer pressure.

Meanwhile, parents attended informative and motivational sessions that addressed their particular needs and concerns including workshops on how to be advocates for their children’s education, negotiating college for their children, and a special stage reading and panel discussion on how to speak to children about the importance of college.

Dare to Dream College is an annual event and to follow up with event attendees for inclusion in additional college preparation activities.
