by April Ray | Personal Growth
How To Be SMART With Your Goals
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SMART goal question: Do you ever feel like you’re working so hard but not getting anywhere? Or are you struggling to visualize how you’ll make progress toward key accomplishments over the next few years?
Setting goals makes it realistic to fulfill your ambitions, and setting SMART goals provides the clarity and the approach that you’ll need for success. Continue reading to learn more about why SMART goal-setting is important and how this strategy will help you achieve your dreams.
What are SMART goals?
Jobs for those with only a high school diploma are in trades or more labor intensive. It’s harder for young black men to show their true potential in these positions. Additionally, vocational certifications only prepare you for one trade, and can’t be applied elsewhere without an additional certification.
Job mobility is limited for candidates with only a high school diploma, which can result in young black men being stuck in jobs that might not give them much satisfaction. Higher education typically has general education requirements which allows students to explore different subjects and get a better idea of what they want to do without wasting time, money, or credits.
The first known use of SMART is in the November 1981 issue of Management Review, a magazine for managers published by the American Management Association. Consultant George T. Doran wrote an article titled There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives, in which he discussed the importance of setting goals and how this acronym can help.
Since then, the SMART strategy has been widely used in different applications by different people. The SMART acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Assignable (or Achievable), Realistic, and Time-related. This goal-setting methodology simplifies what needs to be done and provides the necessary structure and support for people to effectively accomplish goals and achieve the results they desire.
In general, the easiest way to make a goal achievable is to define it clearly so that it is easy enough to understand and comprehensive enough to provide a framework for completion. Setting goals the SMART way allows you to:
- Have confidence in what you want to accomplish
- Understand why you want to achieve each goal
- Identify what is required to complete the goal
- Stay motivated and focused on the end result
- Keep up with specific deadlines
- Improve your ability to follow through
- Meet high standards of performance and fulfil expectations
Fortunately, SMART goals are simple to use by anyone, anywhere, and without the need for additional tools or training. To create a SMART goal, start with a good understanding of something you want to accomplish.
The SMART Strategy
The first step is to be Specific. Many people also aim to be simple, sensible, significant, or strategic in this stage of goal-setting. Write down exactly what you want to achieve, being as specific as possible. When writing your goal, try to answer the following questions:
- Who is involved?
- What do I want to accomplish?
- Why is this goal important?
- Where is this goal located?
Next, we’ll add more context on the “how” of the goal to make it Measurable. To create a measurable goal, it’s important to be able to track progress. Write down how you will evaluate and assess this goal. Address questions like:
- How much or how many?
- How will I know when it is accomplished?
Assignable or Achievable
Then, we’ll determine how to make this goal Achievable. While this differs from the original objective (Assignable), it’s important to remember that the first use of this strategy was in a project management setting. When applying this framework to personal management, having an achievable goal is more suitable. For this step, list the tasks you will need to complete in order to achieve this goal. Answer questions such as:
- How can I accomplish this goal?
- How can I work through potential limitations (like financial factors) to keep this goal within reach?
After determining that this goal is within reach, we’ll explore what makes it Realistic. There is some variation for this stage, as some people focus on what is reasonable, results-based or relevant. Essentially, this step helps outline why the goal is important and how it contributes positively to future aspirations. A realistic goal satisfies the following considerations:
- Does this goal seem worthwhile?
- Is this the right time?
- Am I the right person?
- Is this in line with other efforts?
Lastly, we’ll add important details to make the goal Time-related. Often, people will use time-based, time-limited, timely or time-sensitive for this stage. All of these terms will help you to understand a timeline or target date for what you want to accomplish. A time-related goal will include information on:
- What you can do within the first 3 weeks
- What you can do within the first 3 months
- What you can do right now
- When you can expect to accomplish this goal
Here’s an example of how the SMART strategy can be an effective tool that helps you succeed. Rather than setting a goal to improve your GPA this year, set a goal to dedicate an extra hour of study time a week for English, Math, and World History to be able to score at least one letter grade higher for both semesters to increase your GPA by .75 and unlock important merit-based academic opportunities next year.
Benefits Of Setting SMART Goals For Teens
As the above example shows, setting goals can be very beneficial for teens. Specifically, SMART goals are perfect for teens because they enable them to focus on every necessary aspect of the goal. When teens set SMART goals, they learn about themselves – what they are capable of, what limitations may exist, and what they need help with.
Teens with SMART goals tend to be more focused in life, as they know exactly what they want to do and how they can do it. This minimizes the chance of getting off track or not knowing how to move forward.
Parenting guides suggest that goal-setting is a part of self-management, and it will help teens increase self-awareness and build self-esteem. As teens continue to grow and become more self-sufficient, their ability to set goals for themselves and make effective progress is increasingly important. In addition to academics, goal-setting can be applied to personal accomplishments, relationships, or post-secondary opportunities.
How To Support Your Teen’s Goal-Setting
Parents can support their teens goals by being a constant source of encouragement, even if their goals seem out of reach or even undesirable. No matter the goal, teens need to learn how to work independently and persistently to achieve something that they want. So, it’s important to guide and encourage them, while allowing plenty of space for your teen to make progress, appropriately evaluate, and seek guidance.
Many families may have dreams for their teens, but in order for them to feel accomplished and be happy in what they do, teens need to pick their own goals. Families can help their teens by asking how they’re doing with their goal and celebrating every step of the way. Whenever teens fall behind, simply encourage them to adjust the goal or ask for help.
It’s inevitable that some things may not go according to plan – simply help your teen identify why this happened and how they can bounce back.
The Blue Heart Foundation helps young men develop the vision and purpose to create goals that help them to build self-respect and self-esteem to better navigate the world around them. We firmly believe that children are the future leaders, so we are determined to provide the knowledge, wisdom and skills they will need to be successful. Learn more about The Blue Heart Foundation here.
At The Blue Heart Foundation, we believe in empowering African American boys by equipping them with more than just academic knowledge. Our mission is to nurture a strong, positive mindset, instill the value of higher education, and introduce the transformative wisdom of metaphysical principles. We are committed to helping these young leaders develop the confidence, critical thinking skills, and spiritual grounding they need to overcome obstacles, excel academically, and lead with purpose.
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by April | Career Development, Community, Personal Growth
On Saturday, June 13th we had the privilege to participate in the The Urban League San Diego County Young Professionals event “Brothas With Ties” The 2nd installment of “Brotha’s with Ties” hosted by the San Diego County Urban League Young Professionals is an engagement meant to teach, motivate and inspire the bright minds of young men in the City of San Diego. Ties will be donated to all participants and will learn how to properly tie a tie (and or bowtie). ULSDC Young Professionals want to extend leadership to provide development and a platform for a successful future. Brothas with Ties will include:
The “Brothas in Ties” program consisted of:
Interactive Workshops: Activity filled workshops on Social issues & other activities challenging students to think quick on their feet and learn from their peers.
Self Empowerment – By the end of the event, participants will have a better understanding of how to manage and succeed in the real world.
Mentorship – The event is packed with interactions with Young Professionals and Community Leaders alike who have experience in their respective fields. Participants will also have the opportunity learn about past their mentors past experiences or inquire about what to expect becoming a young professional.
Mathew Gordon stated “The work doesn’t stop here, lets keep it going because there’s more work to be done!”
ULSDC Young Professionals wanted to provide developmental platform for young men ensuring a successful future and also donated 0 matching ties to The Blue Heart Foundation’s Youth program.
Special guest speakers and adult supporters whom really showed they care about our young men kudos! It was amazing to see so many organizations get behind such a worthy cause. Participating organizations included but
are not limited to:
Reality Changers
Urban League
National Society of Black Engineers
Freshly Faded Barbershop
Family Resource Center Inc.
Tiffany Harrison summed the entire event perfectly “This event was clearly not about the clothing, but building and developing the young man under the suit and tie. Look at all that Black Excellence! Shout out to Mathew Arthur Gordon,Patricia Gibson, Jordan Jerome Harrison, Rod Watson, Taryell Simmons,Darielle Blevins, Khea Pollard, Charles Anderson, Neavrae Gibson, Tracy Morris, and everyone else I may have missed that donated their time/snacks/and wisdom to make our 2nd Installment of Brothas w/Ties a success! who turned it all the way UP and ensured that our young men know their value and lineage. Again to everyone who donated ties, time, giveaways, and support…thank you. Thank you for being the change, and not just donating some change.”
by April | Education, Personal Growth
May 26th, 2016 – Invited by Prince Habib our young men had the opportunity to volunteer and view Hidden Colors 4. Hidden Colors is a documentary series about the cultural history of African Americans, identity and race in America — recently released the trailer for it’s third installment, “The Rules Of Racism.” And it looks good. The project features various speakers from scholars to entertainment vets like Nas, KRS-ONE, and Paul Mooney who begs the question: “whites have always done whatever they wanted to black people, so what are the rules?”
The series’ director and producer Tariq “Elite” Nasheed — a New York Times bestselling author, public speaker, and radio host — is widely known for his social commentary. In the trailer he briefly alludes to a certain motivation in approaching the topic of racism, “there’s never been a real dialogue in America about race because every time we talk about race the conversation then turns into ‘what’s wrong with black people.’:
Traveling around the country, the film features scholars, historians, and social commentators who uncovered such amazing facts about things such as: The original image of Christ; The true story about the Moors; The original people of Asia; The great west African empires; The presence of Africans in America before Columbus; The real reason slavery was ended And much more.
What is exceptional about this series is that there are solution based conversations at the end of each film. While the series is meant to help one understand how we got here as well as understand the psychosis of systematic oppression. We are responsible for turning things around, we are living in a hostile society and environment and must stop believing that the oppressor will ever understand the dilemma of people of color. Thus, we must stand together and unite as opposed to look to curry favor from the supremacist.
Each film has had a prevailing theme with first one we really focused on history, history that is untold. We talked about the Moors in Spain and in Europe. We talked about the African presence in America before Columbus. So we focused on a lot of hidden history.
In the second “Hidden Colors” was focused on scientific racism. We talked about things like Henrietta Lacks, a woman whose stem cells were used for medical experiments. We talked about medical warfare, talked about the prison-industrial complex. And talked about racism from a political-scientific standpoint. For part three, it talked a lot about racism in America and the rules of racism, things that black people are told to do in order to fit in with dominant society and how each rule contradicts the next.
Hidden Colors 4: The Religion Of White Supremacy is the latest follow up film to the critically acclaimed hit documentary series Hidden Colors. In this installment of the Hidden Colors series, the film explores topics such as: The motivation behind European global subjugation The history of rarely discussed vast West African empires How germ warfare is used on melanated people The history of slave breeding farms in America and much more.

by April | Mentoring, Personal Growth, Team Building, Volunteerism
Through the newly established partnership between Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; the Omicron Iota Sigma Chapter along with the Blue Heart Foundation and Outdoor Outreach had the opportunity to spend the morning helping restore native habitats at the San Diego National Bay Refuge.
Leading African-American fraternity Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (Sigma) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) have joined forces to conserve America’s wildlife in a new way. The two organizations signed an historic memorandum of understanding establishing a partnership that will provide new opportunities for urban youth to experience the natural world and promote interest in conservation and the biological sciences.
The initiative commemorates American scientist, botanist, and inventor, George Washington Carver – a Sigma member who has inspired generations of youth to pursue careers in science. Cecil Shelton (Omicron Iota Sigma Chapter, Director of Social Action) would say “Today was not only about being able to give back to the community, it is about inspiring these young men, who not only get to experience the essence of hard work , but learn the importance of environmental preservation for all mankind.”
“Many Americans find it difficult to experience nature in an increasingly urban America. This has profound implications for the health and well-being of our citizens and the future of our nation,” said U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “Sigma – with its rich history of community leadership and deep connection to the legacy of Dr. Carver – is the ideal partner for the Service as we work to create meaningful connections between young people and the great outdoors.”
Working as a collaborate team each organization laid mulch to prevent weeds, removed invasive species and watered native plants. Native vegetation at the Jonathan Sellers and Charlie Keever Outdoor Educational Activity Center was planted by school children from Imperial Beach. “The partnership with Phi Beta Sigma and Outdoor Outreach allows us to provide opportunities for these young African American men to learn about protected lands in San Diego and to enjoy the natural beauty surrounding them.” – Chantel Jimenez US Fish and Wildlife Service
It was an honor to restore and beautify the Memorial that honors the lives of two friends whose lives were taken to soon. Jonathan Sellers- and Charlie Keever will be remembered forever and remind us that a child’s life is precious. Joe McLeod COO of Outdoor Outreach would later say “The Blue Heart Foundation youth and Phi Beta Sigma Brothers embraced our motto of Play, Learn, Serve and Share today. Together we had a great day of service learning at the USFWS South Bay Wildlife Refuge. Thank you everyone for your strong character, determination and positives attitudes!!”
The group then made their way to Coronado Tidelands Park where we had lunch; afterwards everyone took to the opportunity to hit the water Paddle boarding on the Bay. Isaiah Coleman from Blue Heart would say “It was deeply satisfying to help with work on the beautification project. Seeing the bright colored Navanacs along the shore was alarming, but new.”

by April | Mentoring, Personal Growth
Along with Outdoor Outreach, we headed out to Big Bear for a weekend away from the city. We reserved two cabins for the weekend to focus on teambuilding wrapped around a Saturday learning to snow board and snowboarding. Thank to the instructors at Outdoor Outreach whom we are thrilled to be a partner we will had an exhilarating time away from the city!
Traveling to Big Bear the air was filled with excitement as this would be each young man’s first opportunity to see the snow and even better snowboard. Though the ride was tight with each passing mile we grew more excited for what the weekend had in store. Once we arrived to our cabins everyone to a man jumped out to experience the snow, pure joy and excitement could be seen on each face.
The next morning we hit the snow OO made sure that we were equipped with the necessary clothing, gloves and gear, It was now time to hit the mountain. After an hour of fundamentals the guys began to get the hang of it and they were soon hitting the intermediate slopes. The entire day was full of non stop fun along with great conversation, later that night we walked around downtown Big Bear witnessing all the beauty that the quaint city had to offer.
By introducing our young men to the outdoors through exciting and joy-filled weekend, we both work to inspire underserved youth to see possibility and opportunity in their lives. We realize that through these positive types of events you began to see attitude and behavioral changes which help them become successful adults.
We had an amazing weekend in Big Bear with Outdoor Outreach…. We conquered the mountain, ate good food, saw the city and believe that these memories will last in these young men’s lives forever. Thank you Outdoor Outreach for the opportunity we appreciate the opportunity, your staff and look forward to future opportunities!