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IMG_20160818_194206August 18th, 2016 – Ending our summer with a Padres win was perfect!!! Attending our final Padres Game of the Summer against the Arizona Diamondbacks which was a huge success as we won 9-8. Once again partnering with the San Diego Padres Charity Ticket Program. Identified as a charity group to partner with the Padres we were sure to take full advantage and had 100% participation. We were featured multiple times during the game with live shots on FriarVision by sharing our pics on Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #SDinHD.

PhotoGrid_1471579913018Corwin Harris (HEART Parent) stated ” It’s great to see that the padres are giving back to community by providing tickets for programs like this! We had a great time watching the Padres with the group. Olijah exclaimed “It was a great experience, I never thought that would happen that I’d see us on the big screen… but when we did .. WOW!”

IMG_20160818_191044We partnered with the San Diego Padres Major League Baseball’s “Commissioner’s Community Initiative” and MLB Player’s Association “Players Give Back” to donate complimentary tickets to deserving non-profit organizations who serve children within the Padres focus of LIVE (children’s health), LEARN (education) PLAY (recreation), and SERVE (military and first responders).

Though the Padres lost to the San Francisco Giants, it did not diminish the excitement of the group, all had a fabulous time staying until the last out was recorded. We look forward to our next trip to Petco Park and have to thank Christina Papasedero and the community relations and Padres Foundation for the opportunity. Shani McGowan (Parent) framed the event perfectly when he said “All the kids had a great time last night, they just wish the Padres had gotten more hits… This was the first baseball game for many of them and I’d like to thank the Padres for the opportunity.”

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